The Appeal of Multi-Family Investments
A Conversation with Sam Khairi
We have come to know Sam in a mastermind in which we meet regularly and are learning together and encouraging one another. Sam speaks of how he made the move into multi-family and why.
- Lives in the San Francisco Bay area
- Wife and two sons
- Got into real estate investing a few years ago
- Started part time, on the side
- Heading into full-time as an investor
- Started with single-family residential investments, low barrier to entry
- Bought for cash flow
- But, single points of failures were a problem in single-family
- To reduce risk, keep cash flow, and grow net worth, stepped into multi-family
- Scalability reduces risk overall, spread out over many doors
- Sam’s investment focus is on properties over 50 units
- A challenge finding properties in the current market
- A lot of competition
- Stay flexible
- Big nugget – don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait
- He wishes he has done this years ago
- Don’t sit on the sidelines

Mike is a retired aerospace engineer with a passion for real estate investing and teaching financial literacy. He lives with his wife in Daytona Beach, Florida.